Helena Morrissey- Parliamentary Lecture
‘Cognitive Diversity in Financial Services: Why it Matters and What we can do about it’
Tuesday, November 4, 2014, 08:45 – 10:15
Committee Room 9, House of Commons
“It is now widely accepted that the homogeneity of boards and senior management teams contributed to the financial crisis, with ‘group think’ leading to insufficient challenge of risky decisions, poor culture and behaviours.
Since then, while there has been considerable effort to improve gender diversity on corporate boards including the banks, there has been little progress towards better balanced and more cognitively diverse management teams, particularly within financial services where a tarnished reputation is impairing the sector’s ability to attract and develop a wider range of talent. This in turn makes it hard to change culture and so restore trust.”
Helena Morrissey, CEO of Newton Investment, Chair of the IMA and Founder of the 30% Club will set out the current situation and her ideas for improvement.
Please email us at kawan.patel@newcityagenda.co.uk if you wish to attend the sixth lecture in our series on banking standards.