Our first report, produced in collaboration with Cass Business School, looks at the culture of British retail banking, and what changes have taken place in relation to culture since the financial crisis.
Culture of Banking Report

Our first report, produced in collaboration with Cass Business School, looks at the culture of British retail banking, and what changes have taken place in relation to culture since the financial crisis.
We are pleased to announce the next two events in our ‘Culture and Banking Standards’ lecture series looking at lessons the banking industry can draw from the culture of other institutions.
Lord Gus O’Donnell gave an insightful lecture to a New City Agenda audience on 10th July 2014 – sharing his views on how the banking sector could learn from lessons within the public sector and the values and approaches from within areas of the private sector…
Thursday 10th July, 8:45-10:15am, The Attlee Suite, Portcullis House
At this breakfast lecture we will hear from Lord Gus O’Donnell who is former Head of the Civil Service and now Chairman of Frontier Economics. He will draw on his extensive experience to highlight the differences between the public and private sector cultures.
As part of our Changing Culture lecture series, we were addressed last Wednesday by the former Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Lord Ian Blair.
Wednesday 25th June, 13.00-14:30. Committee Room 10, House of Commons
The second in lecture series on the broader topic of institutional cultures and culture change – are there any lessons the banking industry can draw from the culture of other British institutions?
Many thanks to The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury for addressing the New City Agenda audience on the 17th June 2014, on the topic of Banking Standards and Ethics. Fresh from his meeting with Pope…
Tuesday 17th June, 14:00-15:00, House of Lords
This Lecture forms part of a series on the broader topic of institutional cultures and culture change. This particular session will look at the Standards and Ethics necessary to improve the Culture and Practices of the banking sector.
By invitation only.
During last Wednesday’s successful launch of New City Agenda, held in Parliament, Sir Richard Lambert delivered an insightful and thought-provoking lecture.
Since the Financial Crash in 2008, the City has quite rightly received its fair share of criticism for what went wrong. There are simply no excuses for the pain and misery they have caused to millions of citizens in this country and Lord Adair Turner’s (as Chairman of the FSA) words in 2009 that “The City has grown too big and parts of it are “socially useless” seemed to strike a chord with the public at large. Meanwhile, the topic of bankers bonuses still makes the blood boil of ordinary citizens of this country and they struggle to comprehend why senior bankers didn’t go to prison for the crisis they caused.